Wednesday, July 7, 2021

T2W10 reading

 WALT: locate and summarise important information from a range of related text

hey readers i really want you to keep reading this blog cause i am doing a book about Nelson mandala. he is a really good person because he fought for black people getting bossed around from white people he also was in jail for five years cause he was black. luckily those people changed tho. 

Describe your main text.

He went to jail for fighting up for black people. He went to jail for 5 years. He was a lawyer and died in 2003 he quit president in 1999 and he got adopted by someone. he died in 2013 and was born in

1918 on 18 of July.

How does your complementary text support the main text?

He did the same stuff as the book so that means that he is not lying. It also gives me more facts then the book did.

it was also very very detail with a good pictures.

 How does your challenge text support/challenge the main text?

The challenge text is telling me more reasons why he is a good man and how good he is and what he did to be a good person. it was also talking about other good people and people who lived in south Africa in 1918.

create task 2:

create task 3:

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